Alcohol Poisoning: Symptoms, Causes, Complications, and Treatment

stages of alcohol poisoning

Gastric decontamination with activated charcoal has limited, if any, value because methanol is rapidly absorbed within 30 minutes of ingestion. The American College of Clinical Toxicology states that for toxic alcohol levels to be clinically stages of alcohol intoxication useful, they must be resulted within two hours of being drawn (1). The gold standard test for the determination of serum toxic alcohol levels, however, is gas chromatography, which the vast majority of hospital labs do not have the capability of performing. This lab becomes a “send-out” and therefore useless in the acute setting. There are seven stages of alcohol intoxication that co-respond with the persons blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Alcohol intoxication

stages of alcohol poisoning

In such cases, someone is in danger of choking on their own vomit, leading to asphyxiation and subsequent brain damage.2 Never leave a person alone who you suspect has overdosed on any drug, including alcohol. However, death is not the only consequence of excessive alcohol use. BACs between 0.60% and 0.80% are commonly fatal.7 However, the amount of alcohol it takes to kill a person can vary by individual factors. It’s important to be aware that binge drinking, or having 5 drinks for men or 4 drinks for women within a period of two hours, can cause a BAC that is higher than 0.08%. This is when a male rapidly consumes five or more alcoholic drinks within two hours or a female consumes at least four drinks within two hours. An alcohol binge can occur over hours or last up to several days.

  • Like alcohol, these drugs suppress areas in the brain that control vital functions such as breathing.
  • There are seven stages of alcohol intoxication that co-respond with the persons blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
  • There are cases of EG poisonings from ethanol substitution, suicide attempts, and accidental ingestions (2, 15).
  • Alcohol will stay in urine for up to 80 hours and in hair follicles for up to three months.
  • If you see signs of alcohol poisoning, such as throwing up, seizures, slow breathing, or severe confusion, don’t hesitate to call 911.
  • It is more commonly used now in the United States than ethanol.

Medical Professionals

  • This is also found in mouthwashes, some medicines, and household products.
  • But the amount of alcohol in one drink may be much higher than those in the list above.
  • A drunk person can recover with rest, fluids, and eating a balanced meal, while a person with alcohol poisoning needs to go to the hospital and get an IV or maybe their stomach pumped.
  • Also, let them know how long it has been since the person stopped consuming alcohol.
  • People in this stage of intoxication are very likely to forget things happening around or to them.

The optic nerve is especially susceptible to damage by formic acid, and visual disturbances occur in 29 – 72% of cases (10). These visual disturbances range from initial blurriness, to photophobia, altered visual fields and, if left untreated, eventual blindness (9). The duration for alcohol poisoning to subside varies significantly from person to person, depending on factors like the amount of alcohol consumed, the individual’s body weight, gender and overall health.

stages of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol Poisoning Diagnosis

Jehovah’s Witnesses allow moderate alcohol consumption among its members. When someone is in the hospital for drinking too much, doctors will likely ask them questions from the CAGE questionnaire or the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, or AUDIT. These tests help the doctor figure out how much the person struggles with drinking.

Health Benefits of Cutting Down or Quitting Alcohol

Hypoglycaemia occurs due to ethanol’s inhibition of gluconeogenesis, especially in children, and may cause lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, and acute kidney injury. Someone who is experiencing alcohol poisoning will need to be hospitalized to treat the symptoms it causes until your body rids itself of alcohol. A hospital can treat this by placing you on a machine that will breathe for you, but they will not be able to treat it by removing the alcohol from your blood.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning happens when excess alcohol in your bloodstream starts affecting life-supporting functions, like your breathing, heart rate and consciousness. Alcohol poisoning can be life-threatening and needs immediate medical care. Ethylene glycol (EG) is a colorless, odorless liquid with a sweet taste. Most poisonings happen through oral ingestion of EG containing liquids, most commonly antifreeze. There are cases of EG poisonings from ethanol substitution, suicide attempts, and accidental ingestions (2, 15).


  • Even after a person is released from hospital care, it can take up to a month for them to feel normal again.
  • Methanol is a colorless, volatile liquid at room temperature, possessing only a faint, sweet odor.
  • If a person has consumed one or less drinks per hour, they’re considered to be sober, or low-level intoxicated.
  • Your stomach will continue to absorb alcohol into your bloodstream even after you stop drinking.
  • Teenagers and young adults who drink may be at particular risk for alcohol overdose.

A mental health or psychiatric evaluation is usually part of the diagnosis once the person is sober and lucid. The higher your BAC, the greater is the depressant effect on these functions. Alcohol poisoning symptoms are the result of these depressant effects. If you think Sobriety someone has alcohol poisoning, get them medical help as soon as possible. The good news is that within a year of stopping drinking, most cognitive damage can be reversed or improved. The authors conducted a literature search of primary and secondary sources related to the topic.

stages of alcohol poisoning

stages of alcohol poisoning

Specifically, vision is often described as a “snow field,” though a variety of visual complaints may be verbalized. In the Gaudiya Vaishnavism branch of Hinduism, one of the four regulative principles forbids the taking of intoxicants, including alcohol. In some countries, there are special facilities, sometimes known as “drunk tanks”, for the temporary detention of persons found to be drunk. We are the EMCrit Project, a team of independent medical bloggers and podcasters joined together by our common love of cutting-edge care, iconoclastic ramblings, and FOAM. When co-ingested with ethanol, onset of toxicity may be delayed. Alcohol poisoning also can occur when adults or children accidentally or intentionally drink household products that contain alcohol.

This includes breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and gag reflex, which prevents you from choking. Treatment for alcohol intoxication, poisoning, and overdose typically takes place in the emergency care setting and is supportive, which means it is designed to help manage symptoms and avoid complications. Emergency medical staff will take steps to ensure a person’s medical stability and safety to help them recover and survive. Some risk factors can make it more likely someone will experience alcohol poisoning. These include height and weight, general health and the amount of food consumed before drinking. A person who is smaller and weighs less than average for their gender may be more likely to get alcohol poisoning after drinking less than a larger person.

  • This lab becomes a “send-out” and therefore useless in the acute setting.
  • If possible, give emergency personnel information about the type and amount of alcohol the person consumed.
  • Some risk factors can make it more likely someone will experience alcohol poisoning.
  • If a friend appears to be drinking too much too fast, try to intervene and limit how much more they have.
  • Seven stages of alcohol influence were identified including subclinical (sobriety), euphoria, excitement, confusion, stupor, alcoholic coma and death.
  • These visual disturbances range from initial blurriness, to photophobia, altered visual fields and, if left untreated, eventual blindness (9).

Methanol is rapidly absorbed following ingestion and is metabolized by ADH. Toxicity has been reported with as little as 15 ml of 40% methanol solution, which is its approximate concentration in -30-degree F windshield washer fluid (2). Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to the percent of alcohol (ethanol) in a person’s blood stream. Symptoms of intoxication are directly related to a person’s BAC which can be influenced by a series of biological and external factors. The best way to avoid alcohol poisoning is to not drink or to limit your alcohol consumption. If you choose to drink, it’s a good idea to drink responsibly and stick to the guidelines for moderating drinking that are mentioned above.

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